Saturday, March 12, 2011

Printed Patterns & Greyish Leather

Ciao, how have you all been? I hope all of you had a great start to the weekend, I know Katie & myself did. I was thinking after I worked out I might bake some cookies today. Keli loves the thumbprint kinds and he asked for them last night so I think it is only fair. But first I need a kick-start to the day and that would be my Jillian Michaels workouts. Yep, you heard it I am partial to Ms. Michael's workout routines. She is a genius, trust me I know! Anyway I think I will also do some homework. These are some pictures taken from one of my school outfits that I had not shown you, I wore it Thursday, and the skirt definitely signifies spring weather is here and spring is near well at least in Roma. However, I am missing my family back in the states, and hope to see them soon! 
Ciao, Si keni qene te gjithe> Shpresoj qe te gjthe e keni pasur nje fillim te mire per fundjave sikur une e Katie kemi filluar shum bukur! Une po mendoj me gatuar guarabie sot. Kelit i pelqejn nje lloje se quhet 'Thumbprint' dhe ai me kerkoj mbrem dhe besoj se ke te drejt edhe e gatoj une sot per Kelin! Por se pari kam nevoje per te isur stirvitjen time me DVD i Jillian Micahels. Po ndoshta keni degjuar per nje Amerikan: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Eshte nje stervitje fantastik! Gjthsesi une mendoj se do te beje disa detyrat e shkolles. Keto jane disa fotografi te marra nga ca kam veshur ne shkoll tejten. Megjthate, dje kam pasur fol me familjen time ne SHBA dhe me mungojn shum dhe dua te shoh ata se shpejti!
Mpuc Liridona

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