Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back Again

Ciao! I am back home! I already miss Poland, it was a nice vacation away from everything. I saw so much! I think it is a unique country, very modern, but preserves tradition very well. They were friendly & I will miss Polish food although it was kind of heavy for me. And since we got back I already felt the Roman hospitality. I mean I just love when taxi drivers here make up stories of there being a protest, to get 50 euro rather than the 30 euro fixed price! It was not a nice welcome back nor the delayed luggage that is a constant reminder of how slow Rome is. I love the beauty of the city, but I find it ironic that a country such as Poland, who has been out of the Soviet Era for only 20 years has come about as forward, clean, consistent, and quick while my dear Roma is.... just lets just say I miss the cappuccino. Anyway I leave you with a few of my outfit shots not posted, more will come tomorrow and Tuesday! Also better ones, Keli was in a rush to see his mom yesterday, he did not really try to take any amazing ones :(
Une jam kthyer ne shtepi dje! Me mungon Polonija! Kjo ishte nje pushim te bukur larg cdo gje me stres! Mendoj se eshte nje vend unik, shum moderne, por Polakt te ruan tradite. Me mungon ushqimi edhe pse eshte i rende per mua. Por nje gje nuk me mungon, Roma, dhe mikpritjen se na dha. Nuk kuptoj pse nje shofer i taksit ketu gjenjen qe po qene nje demonstrat, per te marre 50 euro ne vend se cmimi eshte 30 euro fiks! Kjo nuk ishte nje mirepritur te bukur! Ndosta ROma je nje qytet e bukur, por te gjej eshte ironike qe nje vend te tille si Polonija, i cili ka qene nga Erat sovjetike per 20 vjet ka ardhur rreth si perpara, te paster, te qendrueshme, dhe te shpejte ndersa Roma im i dashur eshte akoma ne erat antike. Gjthsesi une ju le me disa foto qe nuk kam postuar. Me shum do te vijne neser dhe e marten! Gjthashtu ato me te mire, sepse dje Keli ka pasuar fiksim me shikuar nanen e tij, normalisht, nuk ke dasht me ber foto te mijat :p
Mpuc, Liridona

Boots: finally found the receipt Oddz Store (Westport,CT)
Tights: J.Crew
Shorts: LF Stores
T-Shirt: Brandy Melville
Scarf: Ed Hardy
Leather Jacket: BCBG
Sunglasses: SIX (store I saw in Poland interested? Click Here!
Bracelet & Ring: SIX & Forever 21

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